Archlord 2 Wiki

Difficulty Level[]


Selecting the difficulty level

Before entering a dungeon, players will have to choose one of the following difficulty levels:

  • Normal: For groups of 1-2 players.
  • Nightmare: For groups of 2-3 players.
  • Hell: For groups of 4-5 players.
  • Inferno: For groups of 5 players.

Not all difficulty levels are available for every dungeon. For example the level 10 dungeon Locan’s Lab only features Normal and Nightmare difficulties.

Instance Dungeon Tickets[]

Instance Dungeon Tickets are required to enter any dungeon and difficulty level, except for the level 10 dungeons on normal difficulty. Instance Dungeon Tickets can be obtained as loot from any monsters in the world.

Time Limit and Objectives[]


Dungeon UI

Dungeons have to be completed in a certain time limit between 30 to 80 minutes, depending on the level range and difficulty of the dungeon. An instance status window informs the player about the time limit and the objectives they have to achieve to be able to successfully complete the dungeon.

The objectives show the list of named monsters (elites, bosses) which have to be killed in a dungeon.

Instance Dungeon Scores[]


Instance Dungeon Scores

A point counter located between the mini map and the quest tracker shows the current amount of points accumulated in the dungeon run so far.

Points are awarded for killing monsters, the number of players in the party and how much time is needed to achieve the objectives for the dungeon.

If players manage to complete all objectives in the set time limit, they will see a "Success" message on their screen, their final score for the dungeon as well as the rank they achieved with this score and a UI window with the possible reward boxes.

If a player or party does not manage to complete all objectives in the time limit, they will fail the dungeon run and are teleported back to the entrance without receiving any rewards.

Result Ranks and Rewards[]

Depending on the final score for the dungeon run, the following ranks can be achieved, unlocking different rewards each. The rewards also correspond to the level of the dungeon.

  • F: lowest rank with basic rewards like potions
  • B: next rank with basic rewards such as potions and an Uncommon Random Box
  • A: third rank with basic rewards such as potions and an Uncommon Random Box
  • S: fourth rank with better rewards like Uncommon, Rare or Epic Random Boxes and Uncommon, Rare or Epic Rings
  • SS: fifth rank with better rewards like Uncommon, Rare or Epic Random Boxes and Uncommon, Rare or Epic Rings
  • SSS: highest rank with the best rewards like Uncommon, Rare or Epic Random Boxes and Uncommon, Rare or Epic Rings

Rewards increase in amount (for potions) and quality with the chosen difficulty of a dungeon.


Reward UI

Every player in a party will get their own "Reward UI" and has a certain time limit to choose a reward from 5 different reward boxes. Once they have chosen a box, the rewards hidden in all of the boxes will be revealed and the player will receive their chosen reward.
